DID YOU KNOW.... That there is a Crystal sitting in the Center of your Head? Yes a Black Crystal!
DID YOU KNOW.... That your "Pineal Gland" in Ancient Egypt was known as the "NEB" Spiritual Master of the Body?
DID YOU KNOW.... That you have 12 Occult "Cranial Nerves" in your Brain along with your Pineal Gland for Higher Spiritual and Conscious Communication?
DID YOU KNOW... That your "Pineal Gland" once awakening is responsible for unexplainable acts of "Telepathy, Intuition, Clairvoyance and Psychometric also known as Psychometry?
Well now you can learn that this Black Crystalknown as the "Pineal Gland" can be used to Communicate with all Living Life on Earth (PTAH) and Throughout the Boundless Universes Multiverse. Your Pineal Gland can also be used to communicate with all your Great Ancient Ancestors via "THE POWERS OF YOUR MIND!" In this "NUN TABLET" (Book) Learn how to regain "The Powers of your Mind", by re-activating your "BLACK CRYSTAL" PINEAL GLAND!