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The All New Nun "Electra" Elite™ Mini Pyramids
(Size: 3.5" Base x 4" Height)
Used to Balance Both Hemispheres of the Brain (Right & Left). Right Brain (Moon, Unseen Dark Energy, Creative Thought, Subconscious Mind ... Mental Awareness) Left Brain (Sun, Solar Power, that which is seen, Manifested and Actualized in this Physical Realm of Reality)!
Once these two Hemispheres are balanced you experience "HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS!"
Use during Meditation, Place on Night Stand while Sleeping or Under Pillow, Place on Ancestral Alter, Carry in Pocket or Purse!
"Now YOU can embrace the Royal Power of Silver, Diamonds & Gold all in the Palm of your hand!"
Made with Real Rough Diamonds, Herkimer Diamonds, Quartz Crystals, Pure Sterling Silver Flakes, & Pure 24k Gold Flakes!
ead about the Healing Property of each Element:
Gold: Used to bring Wealth, Happiness and feelings of Comfort. Gold is a mineral of Spirituality, Magic, overstanding, and attunement to nature. Gold attracts positive energies and is a wonderful healing mineral. Gold is known as a Masculine Stone ruled by the “Powers of the Sun”!
Silver: Brings advantage to its wearer throughout one’s lifetime. Silver is used to conjure Patience and Perseverance to the wearer, and it used extensively with Gemstones due to the fact that the Metal attracts and retains the qualities emitted by the Stones. Silver is also known to "Enhance the Powers" of the Moon, particularly during the "Full Moon" and "New Moon" Cycles. Throughout the world it is identified with the Lunar manifestations of the Great Mother (Feminine, Feline, Lioness Energy), the Eternal Goddess. As the Metal is Reflective, Silver reflects Negativity from the wearer.
Silver can also be used to enhance your "Psychic abilities", as it is a "Psychic-influencing" Metal. When worn it stimulates your Psychic Awareness.
Diamonds: A Stone that bonds Relationships and enhances Love. Diamonds bring longevity, particularly to relationships, Balance, Clarity and Abundance. Diamonds also amplify one's thoughts, whether they be Strengths, or Weaknesses. Diamonds gives one who wears or carries it Courage and Hope. A Diamond can encourage Self-Confidence and a "Desire for Independence" while at the same time Counteracting Jealousy!
Diamonds are known as the “Master Healer!”
"You know have the Power in the Palm of Your Hand!"